The new year is here and on the tail of an awesome New Year’s Eve party held at Seekerville, I am finally ready to seize my one word! Not a big deal to some, but a totally big deal for me. My one word is RECLAIM.
I want to take a moment and thank Myra Johnson who is a wonderful writer and member of Seekerville. Last night at the Seekerville New Year’s Eve party, Myra shared her word…RECLAIM. It was like God tapped me on the shoulder. I had chills. It all fit. I had been praying about a word but nothing at all seemed to be coming my way. I hadn’t had a word in two years. I had been struggling for so long with situations I couldn’t control, doubt and sadness over feeling like I had dropped the ball. Myra’s comment on her word broke through to my heart and struck a chord. God used her right then and there and of that I have no doubt. Thanks also to my husband Scott Blackwell for his awesome picture.
Here is the tiniest of backgrounds…
In October of 2013 I claimed God’s call for me to write. I have always loved writing and reading and in fact wrote as a small child by mainly drawing pictures and then explaining the stories. Life always seemed to get in the way whether by my own self doubt or circumstances that I allowed to derail me. I simply had no faith in myself. But near the end of 2013 I claimed God’s call and one of the vows I made was to go to She Speaks in 2014. I shared that claim with anyone who asked and many who did not. If it was God’s will I would get there (to She Speaks) in 2014 by His total provision and if not 2014 then I would make it in 2015 (obviously under God’s provision still but I figured a lot of budgeting would be on my end).
God provided in a major way and I was able to go to She Speaks 2014 and it was amazing! I met incredible people and left very blessed. It was also bloody intimidating and I kind of let my insecurities take a hold on me once I got home. Work life changed dramatically. So many things happened in a furious succession. This post would be a mile long if I went into them. In the long run, I believe God had a plan for all of that. I think he was giving me the opportunity and time I needed to pursue my calling (kind of a hindsight observation), but I was so knocked back and down that getting up was a significant challenge.
Eventually though you just simply have to get up. God puts a call on your life and really at some point you need to move because you are too uncomfortable not to. So I am heading back to the road He has set before me and reclaiming His promises, His purposes, and His call on my life. I am pushing back against generational curses and internal dialogue, because I have no doubt that God is in control. I am reclaiming who God says I am! And it feels really good. Of course what doesn’t feel pretty good on day one?
Accountability phase– There are things I know I need to do to keep on track. This is kind of also where I can sink. I feel better sometimes not saying what I will do because then no one can say “I thought you were going to do this…”
–Draw closer to God and seek Him first. I picked up a One Year NLT Bible and have asked my family to read it with me. I think the most important thing I can do is know my God better. So I plan on investing time in reading His word, prayer and study. I have many many books that will help me with study. Not sure what to choose yet.
–Invest time in my call. I do believe writing is my call. I am investing by reading at least one book on craft every two months. I’d like to say one a month but I am not going to over extend myself and I want to learn as well as read so no pressure. I will also be sure to read at least two fiction books a month. Being well read it vital to my writing.
–Claiming my call. Just did that. Yippee!
I am looking forward to see what happens, and I am looking forward to holding myself accountable. I don’t really have any readers yet so this is on me, but that is okay because I happen to have a really big God and I know he is my NUMBER ONE FAN. He’s your’s too…just sayin’.
God bless you this 2017. You are loved!
Kelly, Loved that you are “reclaiming” your calling to write. You have a gift dear friend. Learning along with you in this calling. I’m still praying and thinking of my word but your post encourages me to get started on this years word, goals and writing. Love your new beautiful website! Happy New Year.
Barbara, you are so amazing and dear! Thank you so much for being so encouraging! I feel like I have been through a whirlwind. I am anxious to get off of my duff. Praying for you my friend and I am so grateful for your prayers.
Glad you are reclaiming your calling. I am cheering you on as you move forward in His purpose for you. It can be scary, but it will be rewarding if you all yourself to sink into it.
Latonya, your words are a blessing to me. Thank you so much. I am so glad that God has given me the time to heal and the nudge to move. 😉 Thank you so much for coming by!