Time really can get away from you if you don’t stop and pay attention. I definitely have rushed hither and yon, but I have learned recently (and I wish it wasn’t a lesson that took so long) to stop and experience where I am. I have also learned to take note which is why I have been taking some note of little things that I have learned in this 48 years of life. I don’t expect any of it to be ground breaking, but I am sharing because frankly, everything doesn’t have to be ground breaking. That might have to be number 6 now that I think of it. We’ll start there.
Thank you to Lori from Living Out Loud for the chalkboard backgrounds
Have you ever felt censored by other’s expectations or even your own. Like if you didn’t have something stellar or super whitty to say, you might as well shut up? I have and it used to stress me out completely. Measuring above up was a full time job. But the truth is that everything doesn’t have to be groundbreaking. If it comes from your heart, speak it. If it just comes from off of your chest speak it, write it, draw it. Just don’t hold it in because you think no one will approve or it isn’t THE best. Perfection can hold you back because it seems impossible, and who needs it anyway? Be you.
Thank you to Lori from Living Out Loud for the chalkboard backgrounds
Today I found out Prince died. Because of that, I really didn’t feel like writing according to my plan. My plan just didn’t fit. I could have stuck to it, but my heart today wasn’t in it. Sometimes you have to stray from the plan or at the very least you should.
Prince was a big part of my teen life and young adult life. I remember just loving his music as a teen and I remember seeing Purple Rain with my friend Gina. We were 16 and had to talk our way into the movie. Basically the ticket guy told us we had to be 17 and we told him that we would end up seeing it at some point so why not just let us in. He did. I was blown away. There were some parts in the movie that made me blush crimson, but it was the music that stuck with me. Prince’s music punctuated a lot of points in my life. It blasted in my bedroom as I danced and danced in my teens. It thundered through the night clubs I worked at in my 20s. I’ll miss those parts of my life and Prince’s music was a link there. I’m glad it will remain, but I’ll miss the opportunity of hearing something new.
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