Squeezing this one before it is too late.
Today’s prompt – Notice
Go –
If we look for good, we notice good. It is a cool thing that our minds do. Our mind finds what we focus on. Even down to spiders. No joke. I used to think I had like spider radar….well I did. But I did because I was always concerned about finding spiders.
Now I am looking for blessings and noticing them every where I go. The sunset tonight was a great example. God threw a hot pink fiery slash through the sky. It split the silver clouds in the most magical way. A perfect greeting card from our Lord. We have two ways we can drive home. I could have gone the short way. If I did…I would have missed the beautiful sky. I think God knew that and gave me the nudge to the right.
He notices us too.
Stop –
Love this! I just shared an article on my Facebook page about how gratitude changes our perspective for the better.
Yes! God does notice us!
Yes he does notice us!