Onto this whole catching up thing. Which I must say can be really difficult when you do not have any internet.
I am learning to really down my life here in Gaylord, Michigan. Not that Gaylord doesn’t have internet. Our little corner does not. But it has all we need, and that is saying something.
How did we get here? Prayer and lots of it.
For about two years, my husband and I have been seeking the Lord in prayer for many things. One of the biggest was direction. Scott was at a point in his work life where he really felt a need to move on. This is rather big. He is a loyal sort who does not just work a bit and move on. He is a long-haul guy and so had put in 16 years at his job. After 16 years he was not feeling fulfilled and doing his outside photography was not cutting it as an outlet. There were stressful things that were just not going away. He felt the need for change. So we prayed about it. We didn’t exactly know what to ask.
In fact, this is the time that Scott really began to grow in his prayer and relationship with the Lord. I asked him one night to lead prayer and not let it be me. He is supposed to be my spiritual covering. He was nervous, but he agreed. We switched off night after night. It was a great beginning.
My own work life had gone through some seriously upheaval as well. The Christian radio ministry I had been working for had been sold. Well, not the ministry but the station, its signals, towers, translators and so on. This left us all in a pretty big lurch and we all had a “what now?” moment or two. A lot of prayer was happening. I had been with the ministry for a long time. It was a heavy part of my life. We got shook up.
We prayed. It is so hard finding out that you can do everything right and still things can get pulled away from you through no fault of your own. That is how it was with our ministry. We served our community. But someone else needed money, so they sold us. Our hard work meant very little to them. They needed to be dug out of the weeds. It wasn’t just the coworkers who would be losing jobs. It was a community that was losing a place where they could go to be prayed over or just share life with.
God came through for the ministry and the community. He definitely came through for all of us. We were given the opportunity to still serve but under the umbrella of a radio group that was owned by a Christian couple. Through that time I was able to work not only for the ministry but the other stations. God was very good! My husband and I were able to get out of debt (other than our home). I was able to learn lots of new skills and things calmed down. We still prayed for that leading though. We didn’t know when, but we still felt that our time where we were just might be limited.
We also knew that there was a greener place for us.
Now we didn’t know where God was going to lead us. In fact, we were pretty much looking at New England (New Hampshire in particular), but we were willing to go where God opened the door. We also weren’t exactly sure if God would lead us or if we were to stay put. But after much prayer and much confirmation in ways we didn’t expect, a door opened.
In November, my former co-worker mentioned that his station which is also a Christian radio ministry might have an opening.
I sent in my resume, and we continued with life.
In February (yes about 3 months later), I was contacted by the executive director for a job interview. I did that on February 7th.
And we waited. We had another interview and the director had surgery so we waited on recovery. We prayed. It all sounded really good and like God was leading, but still we were waiting on Him.
In March my husband decided that whether I received a job offer or not, we were going to move out of the area. He felt this very strongly. We prayed some more. We waited some more.
It goes on from there. Lots of waiting and lots of praying until I received a job offer and my husband resigned from his position to ready our home for sale.
On June 6, my son and I started our road trip to Gaylord, Michigan where I would begin working with my new job on June 12th. My husband and cats would leave shortly after us once a moving truck came to pick up all our goodies. Where would we stay? No clue. And boy…did it get crazy from there!
More soon.
Wow, Kelly. This is so interesting. It’s amazing the journey the Lord takes us on to get us where He wants us to be. I look forward to reading more. Praying for you!
Awww thank you so much Sabra. It has been definitely a test of what one really needs. 🙂 Thank you for your prayers. I cherish them.